Sunday, September 27, 2015

Maternity Leave

Moe's still hiding out in the ol' ute, accomplishing incredible feats of gymnastics and hiccuping.  But I'm not going in tomorrow because  I already worked one week past my due date and the day to day planning isn't serving anyone's best interests (although I did bust out a pretty swanky differentiated lesson over two days last week bestpracticeslikewoah.).  So there's a sub hired and I sent her off with calendars and binders to plan this weekend.  I'm not all caught up on my grading yet, but I'm getting there.  And in the mean time, I'm looking forward to spending the morning with just my current baby while the others are at school.  

I'm going to miss work, though.  Here's one sight I love--

 my window words reflecting back into my room during first, second, and third periods.  I like when the message I put out into the world comes back to me, unbackwards and readable.  It's like the world encouraging me me back, "Hey!  Let YOUR Heart's light shine, too, Helenka!"  And my(ish) pennants, which have sparked so many good conversations with the kids.  And the carpet squares, which always remind me to consider going outside today.  Every day.  And the blanket, which makes a lunch break nap an option.  And the shadows of my plants.  Yes, it's a good home away from home.  

I am hoping to get some productive planning/making done and have a stress reduction bulletin board already in the works, mentally.  It'll be nice to put up when I return in January, for all of our sakes (mine and the students').
But knowing I don't have to go back tomorrow also takes a huge load off my stress.  I got to spend extra time savoring scripture this weekend without the nagging, list-making, hurry up part of my brain talking to me as loudly as it normally does.  There's still stuff to do, but the sense of urgency isn't as heavy.  I'm grateful for that and for the huge ease of burden that comes from not having to plan for school and kids and meals and home and errands and self tomorrow.  It's amazing how much a difference it makes to get to put that one thing down, and to have the freedom to be home for an extra nine hours to get things done, even if it's just in five or ten minute increments between being needed by the kids.  

Today, in anticipation of birthing and coming home, I bought two bottles of wine.  One because of its description and the other because it was in a square bottle and I'm a sucker for packaging.  But what I'm really looking forward to is being able to stop by the Spotted Owl again on a semi-regular basis.  I loved going there alone, being known as "the girl with the papers," talking to Will, and savoring a week night bourbon in one of my favorite neighborhoods.

"Time held me, green and dying
 though I sang in my chains like the sea."

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