
I am happy when I am making things.  Here are some things I've made recently.  Stay tuned for more!

Family Valentines
Each of us had to write or dictate something we love about each member of our family, including ourselves.  Then we made a paper chain for each of us.  Under Nora, for instance, these are the reasons we love her:  "Because she's lovely and she's a train," "because she put her foot in the bowl of Oreos," "because she has a sneaky smile," and "because she can read minds and has a great sense of humor."  We left it up for almost three months because it was such a happy thing to read and look at.
A celebration of family love!
Daddy: I love daddy because he's really really funny; because he's cool; because he lets me go to yoga; because he works so hard to do so many good things for our family.
Mommy: I love you because you are a terrific artist; because she is cool and lovely; she makes me want to be better; because she cooks good food and keeps the house cozy.
Emilia:  I love myself because I love cuddling with my whole family and eating popcorn; because she's so lovely (and a pictures of a train); she is full of thoughts and ideas about everything; because she asks thoughtful questions.
Jonah: Because he joins in when me and daddy play; trains; he makes me laugh with his silly dances; because his hugs and cuddles are so full of love.
Nora: Because she put her foot in a bowl of oreos; because she is lovely and she's a train; she has a sneaky smile; because she can read minds and has a great sense of humor.

Motivational Mos Def card.  I made one for each member of our department at the beginning of the school year.

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