Thursday, December 4, 2014

Today has been brought to you by HELL YES!

Too many to list, but:
1. Time
2. Dancing with my new bathroom duty friend
3. Singing the narwhal song
4. Reading a great book (Carter Beats the Devil)
5. Sharing parts of a great book with people who'll appreciate it.
6. Figuring out words I never bothered to figure out before
7. Cinnamon pinecone smell at Giant Eagle
8. Running to two grocery stores and doing two other errands in under an hour and a half!
9. Gardening with the kiddoes in December!
10. Teaching Nori how to add more brown matter to the compost and then watching her do it on her own, carefully.
11. Good tea
12. When my favorite Poptarts are in stock!!! 
Unfrosted Brown Sugar, baby.  Because up in here, we keep it real.

13. Knowing I'll be lucky if I get to eat one of them and being okay with that.
14. The way said Poptarts make me yearn for warm enough weather than I could take a toasted one on the front porch with a hot tea and a cold milk and a good book and sit out in the morning with the birds before everyone is awake.
15. Doing yoga this afternoon
16. Being where I am comfortable and at ease
17. Lots of good interactions with students today
18. Appetite is slowly returning a little
19. Any day I wear leggings is a good day.  Gosh, I'd live in these if I could.  

20. Walking around feeling loaded up with love and joy.  I glowed from store to store this evening, buying produce and feeling warmth radiate out of my pores and fingernails.  It was palpable to strangers, even; I could tell by the way our eye contact was different.  Footfalls springier and shopping carts more wieldy, made so by the extra goodness in the energy that propelled me on.  

I don't have answers to most of my most pressing questions right now, and that is a little scary, but the apprehension and uncertainty are dwarfed by the fact that wherever I'm going, I'm buoyed up by a God who has a plan for me and all my weirdness.  God can be confusing.  It's hard to always know His voice when it is calling.  But when I was walking through the grocery store today, I felt it loud and clear "Remember, GOD IS LOVE."  God I cannot always recognize, but Love?  Now that's something I can see.  Feel.  Trust.  So I let the love fill me til I'm overflowing, flow through me, pour out of me and I know that God is in that love and that He will lead me where I need to go.  

This love has been filling me, but today felt like some sort of floodgate opened.  In trying to tease out its source, it seems that the big thing is that I am finally embracing honesty.  Honesty fully.  Honesty about my dishonesty.  I was able to say some things yesterday and face bad things I've done, done with good intentions, but bad nonetheless because they weren't fully honest.  Honesty and love.  Pretty simple.  Beautifully simple.  Perfect.

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