Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Today I am feeling an upwelling of emotion.  Not just one emotion-- more than I can count, and so many that don't have names. I know probably a little bit of this is hormones and I know probably a little bit of this is bone deep exhaustion... 
But then I walk at night and snowflakes hit my cheek. 
I look into a dark and window of a storefront and see this music stand glinting in the street lights and I want to cry because it is beautiful and poetic, and it is far away and right in front of me. 
I probably need some kind of cathartic experience to flush all this out of my system but the only thing I can think of is sleep.  No, the only thing I have available to me is sleep. I can actually think of a lot of solutions. That's the honest answer.

1 comment:

  1. When I'm feeling that way, I usually just have a nap. Everything looks different after a few hours of sleep!
