Friday, August 28, 2015

Daniel Chapter Five

When the queen talks of Daniel, she says he should be called “ebecause an excellent spirit, knowledge, and funderstanding fto interpret dreams, explain riddles, andgsolve problems were found in this Daniel, hwhom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.”

The names have been so important throughout Daniel.  At first, his name was entirely stripped away.  Now, his old name is just a small part of his identity to help people remember who he is.  The kings tried to change Daniel into someone of Babylon, but it didn’t work.  Eventually, they gave up and just called him by his birth name.  It’s as if they recognize that he will stay true to his real self and his convictions and so instead of forcing him to bend to their will, they allow him to be himself.  That’s encouraging as we work our own ways through the world.  At some point, we may get relief from the fight.

Side note, I just ate a whole Skor bar.  Skor bars are amazing, but if you know me, you know it’s mayyyybe once a year that I can pack away an entire candy bar in one sitting, let alone in one day.  I can already feel the sugar hitting my blood and my brain is going “boingy boingy boingy.”  Yipes.  I blame the cyst pain and the baby.  And since this candy bar was for them, I can still follow through and make and eat those oatmeal cookies later.  MMmmmmbuddy.

Back to Daniel:

I feel like for a long time I was like Nebuchadnezzar and only called on God after I tried worldly solutions (knowledge, doctors, advice from friends) or when I was very much freaked out -- either in a positive or a negative way. Not cool.  This is going to connect nicely to Chapter 6!  Just wait!

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