Thursday, August 20, 2015

Can't Stop Sharing This Book

I read a phenomenal book this summer called Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski.  Today, I checked out her blog for the first time.  Anyway, a line from one of the more recent entries:

 Because the bigger, deeper secret is that pleasure begets pleasure.

If and when you can allow bits and pieces of pleasure into your life, it creates space in your brain for more pleasure of all kinds.
struck a chord with me because it's something I experienced in the past year (except you could sub out "pleasure" for "joy") and yeah.  It makes me hungry to reclaim that upward spiral of joyful pleasure happiness peace and goodness.
Also, in another entry, she talked about the Dunning-Kruger Effect and explained it like this:
The Dunning-Kruger Effect says, essentially, that people have no idea how little they know, and the less a person knows, the more certain they will be that they know everything they need to know.

Which I won't say much about except that it really reminds me of one someone I know in particular and a problem that lots of us fall victim to from time to time.

So, in the spirit of claiming joy and gratitude:
1. I didn't have to sit on hold nearly as long as I expected to to rectify a transcript situation.  Which, in addition to saving me time and frustration, is going to get me a nice little raise this year!
2. I have my second appointment with my midwife tomorrow and I'm really excited.
3. This is one of those days where I can tell I'm going to sleep well at night.  Because I desperately need to sleep well.
4. ALL of the boys and one of the girls hung out in my room after school today and I walked home smiling and feeling great.  I love being a social hub, surrounded by banter and laughter and man, the people I work with make me feel so loved.  I'm blessed, truly, by each of them.
5. I have a really unexpected letter to write back to!
6. Thinking I might

I want to lay outside on my stomach and write back to that letter, but my dang old belly is in the way and I"m not sure how to do it.

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