Sunday, May 31, 2015

Smart Students Teaching Me

Some good life lessons my kids are extracting from Thomas Hardy.  I wish I had learned some of these sooner.  To be honest, there are ways in which I'm still trying to learn some of them.  It's interesting given some recent life experiences and all the authenticity reading I've been doing lately.

From the mouths of babes:

"...she is so absorbed by what society has to say about her that she feels scared to accept her flaws."

"She is playing by the madding crowd's rules and is afraid to go beyond them."

"She listened to other people tell her how good of a man Boldwood is instead of forming her own opinion of him."

"The crowd also takes away her privacy and makes her nervous...this causes her to act without thinking.  Bathsheba thinks the crowd makes her comfortable and not lonely, but it actually takes away her freedom."

"Since she wants to be admired by everyone, she listens to everyone.  By listening to everyone, her opinions and feelings are changed, but falsely.  She feels things that have been warped by the minds of others, making her feelings and opinions false truths."

"Whenever a crowd is not present, the main characters have an easier time expressing their feelings without any fear of embarrassment."

"His actions are not the product of the masses around him and his thoughts come from an independend and unbiased mind.  His experiences with sheep have strongly influenced this viewpoint.  In a flock, those who blindly follow are doomed to either go through the journey of life without power and purpose or die a horrible death alongside their equally subservient brethren."

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