Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What to Make of it

I don't know what to make of a lot that's swimming through me these days.  Not a fan of that feeling.  So instead of writing about that personal stuff, let's talk about Hozier.  Yeah, I know.  He's hyped and image conscious and moody and strikes me as a bit of a d-bag (but maybe I'm wrong).  But some of that music... wow.  Here's the thing that bugs me-- the ideas in his songs are generally not consistent and unified.  It's too bad, because he's got some really good lines.  For instance, this song begins by talking about not liking crowds or the rape culture.  Okay, got it.  Then we get some love poetry mixed in.  So either this is metaphorical social commentary that has gone over my head OR it's just kind of a jumble.  Based on how this happens in other songs of his too, I tend to go with the latter.

But look at some of these bits and pieces.  You have to admit they're kinda nice:

When you're near me
Honey, when you kill the lights
And kiss my eyes
I feel like a person for a moment of my life

It feels good, girl, it feels good 
Oh to be alone with you

There are questions I can't ask
Now at last
The worst is over
See the way you hold yourself
Reel against
Your body's borders
I know that you hate this place
Not a trace
Of me would argue
Honey, we should run away
Oh someday

Ah, and then there's that bit about "It's the god that heroin prays to" which is kind of catchy, I guess.  But again, in the context of the song, it just fits in a sort of cattywumpus way.  

I do like "reel against your body's borders" because that's a feeling I can relate to and I think he put it well.  

But the sound of this one is much more to my liking.  More soul, I guess.  "So full of love I could barely eat."  Then later in the same verse, "'Cause my baby's sweet as can be/ She give me toothaches just from kissin' me."  The contrast between being unable to eat, but then being in pain from indulging in the sweetness of his baby is pretty cool.  I like the clever play on sustenance it suggests.  Though, if you want to be hyper-critical about it, I guess you could argue that her sweetness isn't fully nourishing or satisfying since it's giving him toothaches.  Eh, but let's not go there.  Just enjoy the music.  And I like this verse, despite the borderline heretical part: 
My baby never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the lowland plot I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me

In a selfish way, I like that the song is comfortable for me to sing along (ahem, loudly) with.  Speaking of which, every year when Showboat rolls around, I think maybe it'll be the year I actually do it.  When I was just relistening to this song, my brain was all like "heyyyyyy girl, you could sing this!"  But the vibe of that show doesn't go with me and my music.  I dunno.  I do want to do it, but I don't think I have the chops for it.  Maybe I'll stick to singing along with the music in bars and belting out cowboy songs at home or playing with harmonies when I drive around.  Sigh... Someday. 

And I know that the fact that I said that makes me a hypocrite.

November 14, 2017 is a Tuesday.  Fun fact.   

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