Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Celebrations From Last Week.

So I'm a big believer in perspective-shifting and such-forth.  It gets tricky sometimes when life is hard and some things are really sticky-back-ick-stuck and other areas are actually quite joy-full.  It's hard to tell the whole story for what it is without seeming like I'm on some kind of manic roller coaster.  That's part of why I like this bloggy and why I like photo-documenting.  Although, I am also torn between just pure savoring.  For example, last night I went out and picked carrots and peas from our garden, brought them in to the kids, and then they devoured them in one sitting (it wasn't much; modest garden this year).  Anyway, I thought about taking some picture to capture a moment of that exulted feeling of bringing in food I planted with my own hands and feeding it to the happy and waiting mouths of my children.  But how can a photo accomplish that grand feeling pared down to the scale of a small bowl of carrots and peas.  How could it capture the smell?  The victory of mostly un-green shoulders of the carrots (I'm getting better at this small time farmer thing! woo!)?   So I left that one uncaptured. But her are some joyful moments from the last week I did capture:

Lots of letters and notes written
Cannoli cupcakes entirely from scratch.
Nerding out at a conference about teaching the humanities and getting in some personal study time.
Getting a chance to dress up and be all pregnant and feel cute.  
Finding a lone patch of irreverent clover on an otherwise perfectly manicured field and sitting there to eat my healthy dinner of frozen yogurt. 
Taking Women's World Cup selfies after the third goal was scored early in the first half.
Taking shocked selfies when the fourth goal was scored while we were selfie-ing for three goals.
Showing off our silly faces and face paint!

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