Monday, June 15, 2015

A Bookish Girl

This is what I've purchased or checked out in the last 48 hours.  Not pictured: Sex at Dawn, which I just finished and returned (Lots of thoughts on that one and how it connects to other books I've read recently.  Look out for some thoughts later), and three more used books that ought to arrive today or tomorrow. 

Man,  I love summer!  And I got to do my morning pages (as recommended in The Artist's Way,  by Julia Cameron) while Chris got the kids dressed.

More to come,  my friends.  So much mental energy, so many ideas!  Oh snap!  There were two others on the table right beside me that I totally missed:


When we are considering whether or not it would be more prudent to take the rest of the year for maternity leave vs. just the first 12 weeks, one of the secret things I've been considering but not wanting to say aloud is that staying home will allow me to do so much freakin' reading!  That's a pretty awesome prospect.  Maternity leave gives a girl so much time-- I mean, yeah, you're exhausted and struggling and always meeting the needs of 1, 2, 3, or 4 little people.  But there are naps and evenings and all that time spent nursing each day.  And this time I WON'T BE IN GRADUATE SCHOOL!!!!  That's insanely appealing.  I keep forgetting how crazy it is to balance coursework with newborns and how much more pleasant leave with Jones was vs. Nora or Em because of that.  And Chris was still in school during Jones' leave, so there was still all that balancing to do.  This time, nobody is going to be in school and at work and raising babies!  How liberating.  And holy heck, there is so much to read!  My brain is happy.

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