Monday, August 4, 2014

Unlikely Meadows

In my awesome walking this summer, I have been noticing a bunch of meadows in unlikely places.  Some of them don't really look like meadows in all their splendor unless you look from the right angle.  And, like Leandro Carvalho of Brazil Butt Lift fame says, "It's all about the angles." Let's not discuss how I know that.

"It's all about the angles." Or rather, with the endearing accent, "Iz aw about de angos."

Back to the meadows.  Here's one I found in Pennsylvania this week:

Looks pretty idyllic, right?  So where was it?  Some mountain hollow in the ol' Keystone state?  A little knoll by a creek?  Nope.  Try in the cracked foundation of an old, burned down Arthur Treacher's in Breezewood.  

Zoom out and this is what you'd see.

I'm a big believer that your life is how you choose to look at it.  Finding this unlikely meadows is a good example.  I don't usually walk with my phone, and I wish I did so I'd have more examples for you.  Maybe I'll do that.  The point is that the beauty and calm of the meadows is everywhere.  Beauty doesn't hide in remote places and the sublime is all around us.  All it takes is to get down on your knees in gratitude and awe of the life we've been given.   Your eyes open as your perspective changes.  


  1. It's all about the anglos? Dag.

  2. At Fort Carson there is an empty lot that is being over grown by Rocky Mountain prairie plants. In the very middle there one tall yellow flower standing above everything else. It's also full of bunnies, which are way more fun to have hanging around the parking lot than pigeons or seagulls. It makes me think of you every time I walk in to work. Then I see this post and it makes me think of you even more.
